ICBC Speaker Presentations
Videos by Topic
Videos By Title: Scroll Down for Descriptions
- American Kestrel Conservation: Mark Bowman
- Antarctica Expedition: Maria Story
- Arctic Ice Floe Expedition: Maria Story
- Birding Australia: Dick Sayles
- Birds of East Africa: Linda Rudolph
- Bird Banding at the Center of the Earth: Everly Eldeen
- Birds of Northeastern Brazil: Linda Rudolph
- Birds and Renwable Energy: Marci Trana
- Birds and Wildlife of NE India: Linda Rudolph
- Getting Started with Birding: Linda Rudolph
- Gulls of the Mississippi: Chris Caster
- Hawkeye Wildlife Management Area: Steven Woodruff
- History of Wildlife in Iowa: Doug Harr
- Insects of Iowa: Jim Durbin
- Lower Rio Grande Valley: Brandon Caswell
- Monitoring Bluebirds of Kent Park: Learning the Hard Way: Ben Rowold
- MOTUS Migration Tracking System: Anna Buckard Thomas
- Owls of Iowa and Beyond: Dean Hester
- Passerine Molt: Mark Bowman
- Raptor Project of Iowa: Ryan and Holly Anthony
- Red Shouldered Hawks and Cerulean Warblers: Jon Stravers
- Sandhill Cranes: Facts and Personal Experiences: Karen Disbrow
- Trumpeter Swans in Iowa: Anna Buckardt
- Warblers of Iowa and Beyond: Brandon Caswell
- Weather, Radar and Bird Migration: Karl Jungbluth
- The Wildlife of the Pawnee National Grassland: Mark Brown
- Whooping Cranes: Diane Cookham-Johnson
- Wildland Sentinel: Field Notes from an Iowa Conservation Officer: Erika Billerbeck
- Windmills and Wildlife: Terry VanDeWalle
Videos by Date Presented
Travel to Kenya and Tanzania with Linda Rudolph (birder and photographer extraordinaire) and get an introduction to the bird life. Stories and mammals included! 03/21/2025
Ever want to visit the Canadian Arctic, camp on the edge of an ice floe and see wildlife? Travel with Maria Story to fulfill that dream (vicariously!). 11/21/2024
Mark Bowman, Master Bird Bander and ICBC member, presents “American Kestrel Conservation.” Fascinating stories are sprinkled in with facts and photos of the life of American Kestrel. The purpose and how-to’s of banding these birds is covered with unique experiences from Mark and his partner from Dallas County, Mark Havlik. 10/17/2024
“20 years of Insects in Iowa” A discussion about photographing and cataloging insects in Iowa. Jim Durbin 09/25/2024
“Sandhill Cranes: Facts and Personal Experiences” A fact filled presentation about these majestic birds. Sandy Bistrow 05/16/2024
“Birding Australia, 2019” Want to know more about birds “Down Under?” This is your introduction to birding in Australia. Dick Sayles 04/18/2024
“Wildland Sentinel: Field Notes from an Iowa Conservation Officer.” Stories from the front lines of Iowa DNR. Erika Billerbeck 03/21/2024
“Monitoring the Bluebirds of Kent Park: Learning the Hard Way.” The trials and tribulations of fledging Bluebirds. With Iowa Master Naturalist Ben Rowold 02/15/2024
“Antarctica Expedition.” Hop aboard the “Sea Spirit” for a visit to Antarctica, Argentina and South Georgia Island. Maria Story 11/16/2023
“The Endangered Whooping Crane and More.” Learn more about these alluring birds, the largest bird species in the US. Diane Cookham-Johnson 10/19/2023.
“Passerine Molt and Birding by Feather”. Gain new insights into Passerine molt patterns. By Mark Bowman 9/21/2023
“Windmills and Wildlife: An Overview of the Interactions of Wildlife with Wind Turbines”. Want to know the truth about birds, bats and windmills? We’ve got you covered in this presentation by Terry VanDeWalle. 5/18/2023
“A History of Wildlife in Iowa” A Lavish Narrative about Wildlife Past and Present in Iowa by Doug Harr 04/20/2023
“Owls of Iowa and Beyond.” A survey of the Owls of Iowa and the United States by Dean Hester. Learn fascinating facts about these generally shy birds.
“Understanding Migration in Iowa: The MOTUS Network.” A high tech look at tracking birds in Iowa with Department of Natural Resources specialist Anna Buckardt Thomas. 11/14/2022
“Lower Rio Grande Valley Adventure”. Join Brandon Caswell on this informative tour of some of the best birding sites in the United States. 10/20/2022
“The Birds of Northeast Brazil”. View Linda Rudoph’s beautiful pictures of both the common and rarely seen birds of Northeast Brazil. As alway, Linda has an engaging style and a plethora of stories and pictures. 9/15/2022
“Birds, Tigers and the Taj Mahal: Visiting Magical NE India”. This is a stellar travelogue by Linda Rudolph offering a glimpse of birds and other wildlife seen during her 3 week trip to Northeast India. 5/22/2022
“Warblers of Iowa and Beyond: A Photo Tour” by Brandon Caswell A presentation offering a framework for seeing every regular species of warbler that either breeds or migrates through Eastern Iowa in one calendar year. Includes some bonus warbler photos from Southeast Arizona. 4/21/2022
“Weather, Radar and Bird Migration”. This is a fascinating talk by Karl Jungbluth an avid birder, a member of the Big Bluestem Audubon Society and a retired meteorologist with the National Weather Service. See how you can track bird migration in realtime using radar resources easily available online! Handout is available here. 3/17/2022
“The Wildlife of the Pawnee National Grassland” Presented by Mark Brown, Wildlife Photographer and long time member of the Iowa City Bird Club. Join Mark on his exploration of the fauna of this extensive grassland. Mark will introduce you to the birds, mammals, reptiles and invertebrates living in this unique ecosystem. 02/17/2022
“Bird Banding at the Center of the Earth: Ecuador, Un Poco del Choco” presented by Everly Eldeen, University of Wisconsin, Steven’s Point, program in Wildlife Ecology. Join Everly as she discusses her “captivating” work banding birds in the rain forest of Ecuador. 11/18/2021
“The Iowa Raptor Project”. Information presented by the Directors of the Iowa Raptor Project, Ryan and Holly Anthony, about the current state of the Iowa Raptor Project and their plans for the future. 10/21/2021
“Chasing the Bird Dream: Red Shouldered Hawks and Cerulean Warblers”, presented by Jon Stravers, birder, photographer, and Audubon researcher. Experience the Land of Standing Up Rocks in Arizona and view areas in Northeast Iowa as we chase Cerulean Warblers and Red-shouldered Hawks. 9/16/2021
“Trumpeter Swans in Iowa: The Restoration and Research of an Iconic Species.” Presented by Anna Buckardt Thomas, Iowa DNR Avian Ecologist. Learn about the history of Iowa’s Trumpeter Swans, from local extinction to a thriving population. 5/20/2021
“Birds and Renewable Energy.” Presented by Marci Trana, Johnson County Conservation Education Specialist. How do wind and solar energy impact wildlife? Strategies for reducing and mitigating these interactions are discussed. 4/15/2021
“The Enchanting World of Birding: How to Get Started” by Linda Rudolph, hosted by the University of Iowa Sciences Library. Introduction to birding for beginners that includes information sources and apps, gear needed, strategies for bird watching, and eBird. 4/13/2021
“Gulls on the Mississippi River” by Chris Caster, past president of ICBC and birder extraordinaire. Chris covers identification of gulls and where he finds them in our annual February field trip. 2/18/2021
“Management Practices of the Hawkeye Wildlife Management Area”. Steven Woodruff, Iowa DNR Wildlife Biologist for the Iowa River Wildlife Unit, discusses the range of strategies for water level manipulation, tree encroachment removal on sand dunes and uplands grasslands, willow reduction, food plots, and artificial nest structures. 3/18/2021