Join the Iowa City Bird Club
Benefits of Membership
- Help Support our publications, events and volunteer activities.
- Discount on Bird Food at Ace Hardware and Forever Green Nursery
- Free Spring Introductory Birding Course
- Education from knowledgeable peers
- Lots of new friends
- Meetings most months of the year.
- Frequent Field Trips: See Calendar.
- Members receive our newsletter, Eastern Iowa Birdwatch, Apr. Sept. Dec
- Members receive a 10% discount on birdseed/suet at
Ace Hardware at 600 N. Dodge St, Iowa City, and Forever Green Garden Center at 125 Forevergreen Rd., Coralville

Please join us or renew your membership
Your help supports our publications, events, and volunteer activities.
Annual Membership per household to due Jan 1
$15 for print/mailed newsletter.
$10 for digital/emailed newsletter
Payment Options
PayPal link below
Send check (payable to Iowa City Bird Club, Inc.) to:
Gerald Denning
1146 Oakes Drive
Iowa City, Iowa 52245
Note: Mailing label shows your membership date.Include address, phone number and email address with payment

Area birders ought to consider joining our two state birding organizations. Our club contributes to both organizations through donations of money and volunteer work.
Iowa Ornithologists Union (IOU) and Iowa Audubon