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Bird Club Meeting

September 24, 2020 @ 7:00 pm - 8:30 pm CDT

Bird Club Meeting via Zoom. Presentation: Saving Prairies Can Save Grassland Birds”
by Doug Harr, President, Iowa Audubon

Location: Zoom Meeting.  Login details sent via email to ICBC club members.

Presentation Description:

A new Science reportwas released via TV and other news media in late 2019, informing everyone thatsince 1970, North America’s total bird population has fallen by about 30%.Grassland birds alone are down in numbers by 53%, due to the loss of so muchhabitat to agriculture and land development. The Iowa Audubon presentation willdiscuss these figures, then will focus upon our different types of prairies,examples of bird species that prefer those different types, and what we must doto stabilize or even begin increasing our grassland bird numbers.

Doug Harr is the president of Iowa Audubon. He worked at the Iowa DNR for morethan three decades as a wildlife biologist and as Wildlife Diversity StateProgram Coordinator for eight years before retiring in 2010, at which time heassumed his leadership position with Iowa Audubon. As the president of IowaAudubon, Doug promotes the cause of avian conservation and habitatprotection/enhancement in Iowa and the western hemisphere. He partners withother wildlife and environmental conservation organizations or agencies toachieve Iowa Audubon’s mission. Additionally, he advises or consults withindustries, organizations and agencies regarding birds, threats to habitats andsimilar concerns. He works with Audubon chapters and affiliated bird clubsstatewide in local avian conservation and education programs.


September 24, 2020
7:00 pm - 8:30 pm CDT

