Join us for:

Welcome to Iowa City Bird Club, Inc., an Iowa Nonprofit Corporation encompassing the whole of Eastern Iowa and beyond.  Our passions are birding and sharing our enthusiasm with others.

Birders standing on a bridge in twilight.
Two eagles in flight fighting over a fish

We look forward to hearing from you! Suggestions, comments and questions are welcome.

For further information contact:

Meetings of the Iowa City Bird Club are on the third Thursday of the month at 7:00 pm and include an educational activity as well as free time to discuss birds and birding.    Everyone is welcome!  See calendar for links.

Note that there are no meetings in January, June, July, August or December

See menus at top for more information!

For the MOST recent information on cancellations, etc., please check your e-mail!

Subscribe to iowa-city-bird-club Google Group

This email group provides notification for club activities, field trips and events. It is open to club members only and does not allow posting for discussions.   To subscribe, or to resolve any problems receiving our emails, please contact us at

Spotting Scope Check-out Program:  Thanks to recent donations, Iowa City Bird Club has started a new program allowing members to borrow a spotting scope for a week at a time.  Birders new to scope-use can get a real feel for a new level of birding, especially helpful for viewing waterfowl and shorebirds.  Arrange your check-out by contacting 
Iowa City Bird Club appreciates the generous donations from Mark Bowman and Bill Schieble of Swarovski scope/tripod and Kowa scope/tripod.

A rusty blackbird perching on a tree in the fall